Project coordinator prof. Ing. Jozef Golian, Dr., opened the first transnational project meeting. In the beginning, he informed those present about the time shift of the project solution, the changes in the project resulting from the project evaluation and the activities that will not be implemented.
Local coordinators prof. MVDr. Slavomír Marcinčák, PhD., doc. MVDr. Matej Pospiech, PhD. and dr. Eng. Mária Walczycká presented the status of the project solution at their workplaces, especially regarding the number of solvers, concluding contracts and sharing information about the project. Management and contractual matters were introduced by Mgr. Eva Trabalíková. An accurate time schedule was created for the entire solution of the project with delegated tasks. The project coordinator presented the methodology for the preparation of electronic e-learning materials and the design of the project website. A communication strategy was discussed at the transnational level with an impact on all partner institutions.
At the end of the multinational project meeting, tasks were precisely defined, in which all participating institutions will participate and contribute to the creation of electronic study materials according to individual tasks. The partners were instructed about the administration of the project: reporting, delivery of accounting documents, as well as about a common platform for inserting documents.