43rd International Scientific Conference HYGIENA ALIMENTORUM
On 10 - 12 May 2023, the 43rd International Scientific Conference HYGIENA ALIMENTORUM was held in the congress hall of the Patria Hotel - Strbské Pleso, High Tatras (Slovakia) The topic of the conference was "Health safety and quality of dairy and plant commodities - current problems and trends“. The conference was organized as a planned multiplication event of the FOODINOVO - ERAZMUS+ project "Innovation of the structure and content of study programs profiling food study fields with a view to digitizing teaching".
As a part of the scientific conference HYGIENA ALIMENTORUM XLIII, a professional seminar of the FOODINOVO - ERAZMUS+ project took place, where the project was presented to the seminar participants: partners, objectives and prepared outputs of the project. The individual parts were presented by: Pospiech, M. (Veterinary University Brno, Czech Republic), Golian, J. (SAU Nitra, Slovak Republic), Semjon, B. (UVMP in Košice), Walczycka, M. (University of Agriculture Krakow, Poland). The introdutction of the FOODINOVO project website was presented by prof. Golian, J. (SAU Nitra) and the video presentation of the project outputs was presented by prof. Marcinčák, S. (UVMP in Košice).